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  • How much does it cost to join?
    $30 per year - but feel free to come along to a meeting or 2 to meet us and see what you think
  • Do I need to be a professional?
    NO! There are no full time photographers in the club - a majority of us are all here to learn new skills and get to know like minded people... The skill level ranges from people tha have just bought a camera and just want to learn right through to a few of us that try and make a small living off it but mostly in between - All levels of photographic skills are welcome and catered for! (We have cell phone users right through to high end camera gear being used)
  • When and where do you meet?
    We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Community House which is located opposite the Community Center
  • How do I join?
    Contact us on the contact page or preferably come along to a meeting and have a chat!
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