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Fiordland Camera Club

The Fiordland Camera club started many years ago go by an enthusiastic group of locals but after several years it went dormant. Chris, who currently 'looks  after' the club, moved to Te Anau back in 2014 and got the club back up and running with a few of those original members.

Since then we have grown into a great group of people who all provide a wealth of knowledge in one way or another. Some being total beginners and a few of us make a few dollars on the side from it, but mostly we are all just keen to learn a thing or two and meet like minded people who don't mind stopping wherever on a road trip to take a photo!

We keep the program simple and effective, meeting once a month at the Community Center, running various competitions, often a portfolio from one of our members (it's great to see what people take photos of outside the club no matter what it is), a short Tutorial, and usually one of the highlights is our monthly Set Subject 'discussion' and vote for the 1st place photo who gets the trophy for the month!  The idea behind it is to use your cameras in a way that you wouldn't normally - the subjects vary and make you think!  Always finished with a cuppa and baking!

Also once a month we try and head out taking photos somewhere as a group - these can include events like a 4wd rally for action photos to a road trip up the Milford Road or down the South Coast. At least once a year we organize a weekend away to places like Doubtful or Milford Sound, the Catlins, Mavora Lakes or wherever we might like to head away. 

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